On 21.06.11 17:56, Jack Coats wrote:
> Actually, if you can afford another disk drive,  put in a new drive,
> install on it.  Then install your old drive as a 'second' drive, and
> copy your config files over.


Around here, every PC is permanently equipped with two hard drives.
I then just use rsync to mirror anything that doesn't come with the
distro or from apt-get. To be able to say to myself "Yes, it _is_ backed
up.", the script then runs "diff -qr" to check every byte backed up.

Another script backs up to flash sticks, of which I use 4, so I can go
back as far as a month, a week at the time, if needed.

Now a hard drive can curl up its toes, and I keep truckin'. [1]
The whole PC can go west, and I'm only set back a few days.

It is my belief that data which exists in only one place actually exists
only in our imagination.


[1] The second drive retains the previous OS version, so that moving to each
    new release is toe-dipping, rather than a dive off the deep end.

Real Men don't make backups.
They upload it via ftp and let the world mirror it.
                                                        - Linus Torvalds

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