I feel your pain somewhat, but I've worked through many of the difficulties. 
 When you run the live CD (I used the latest Ubuntu 10.04), the first time you 
try to run the sim AXIS, it asks if you'd like to copy the files to your home 
directory.  I answered YES.  It makes a copy of all the EMC2 stuff in your home 
directory, which is:


When you try to run a program, there are two red buttons on the left.  The 
leftmost is the ESTOP, and you must click it to get it out (out of ESTOP).  The 
next one is the power button, and it needs to be clicked to push it in, but it 
doesn't look much different when it's in than when it's out.  Then you try to 
run the program that is loaded by default, and you get the error you cited.  I 
don't know the exact phrase, but your paraphrase is accurate.  At this point 
click on "MACHINE" then a pull down menu gives you access to "Homing" then you 
can click on Home All.  EMC2 will do some fancy stuff, and then let you run a 

   The programs in

/home/ubuntu/emc2/nc_files/examples  (perhaps there's another level I've missed)

   are owned by root, who you aren't since you are ubuntu.  The solution is to 
open a terminal window and type

                cd /home/ubuntu

then type :

                ls -l

to see if anything is owned by root.  If it is, then type

                sudo chown ubuntu:ubuntu *

   Forgive me if you are more advanced than my instructions convey, but 
sometimes the extra stuff may help.  The 'sudo' allows you to act as root.  The 
'chown' says to change the owner of files or directories.  the first ubuntu is 
the new owner, the second ubuntu is the new group.  Don't know if the second 
one is needed, but so far it hasn't hurt me.  The star says to change every 
file or folder you find.  If this isn't the case, perhaps someone else will 
correct me.

   Now we need to go to the next directory:

                cd emc2
                ls -l

   If there's anything that needs ownership change, change it.  If not, let's 
go on.  The next directory should show in the listing in case I get the order 
wrong, or leave a level out since I'm not booted up into EMC2 ubuntu (you see 
I'm running Linux Mint for EMAIL purposes and all non EMC2 stuff because ubuntu 
thinks I don't deserve write access to my other hard drives.)

   I believe from EMC2 there are two options, the one in which the 
configuration files are kept, and nc_files.  If your mileage is like mine, you 
may have to edit axis.ini, and (at least in the simulator) make EMC2 believe it 
has and enormous Z-axis to handle programs.  The axis positive and negative 
limits are near the end of the file, and I usually have trouble with going 
beyond the Z axis limit.  Again if this is owned by root, you will need to 
change owners.

   If you don't have security issues, so you don't need this PC protected by 
passwords, and you have already installed EMC2 ubuntu, then you may be able to 
get rid of your password by opening a terminal.  Click through:


Then to become root type:

                sudo su

Then to delete your password type:

                passwd --delete ubuntu

or... instead of 'ubuntu', whoever you chose to be during the installation.

   If you want a password, but want to be logged in automatically when ubuntu 
starts, then delete your password (as shown above) then close the terminal.  
Then click on:

                System-->Administration-->  Users and Groups

   On the left click on the user you are just to highlight it.  Then on the 
right, password should say 'none'.  Click on 'Change' to the right of none.  
Then you can enter a new password, and check the box that says 'Don't ask for 
password on logon'.

   Grace to you in this matter,

On 08/08/2011 08:14 AM, charles green wrote:

ubu8 and ubu10 + emc2 installs both provide the Axis gui errors, "cant do 
anything without homing" for any mdi command following the machine completing 
the homing sequence.? is there a way to get an up to date live cd with relevant 
patches and current bug fixes, or is the distribution only intended to be a 
'let's see what happens' type of thing for fluent command line linux personnel?

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