On Tue, 16 Aug 2011, Scott Hasse wrote:

> Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2011 22:15:43 -0500
> From: Scott Hasse <scott.ha...@gmail.com>
> Reply-To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)"
>     <emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
> To: emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: [Emc-users] Mesa 5i23/7i33TA servo instability question
> All-
> I'm about a month into retrofitting an older Anilam 1100M 3-axis mill to
> EMC2 using a Mesa 5i23 PCI board with a 7i33TA for servo interfacing and
> 7i37TA for general I/O.  I'm documenting the build here:
> http://code.google.com/p/sector67-sandbox/wiki/ProjectSheetCake
> with my build notes here:
> http://code.google.com/p/sector67-sandbox/wiki/SheetCakeBuildLog
> although my documentation is a work in progress, you can get a feel for
> where I am at with this project.  It's volunteer work for a hackerspace and
> eventually EMC2 is going to enable us to do all sorts of interesting stuff
> with this hardware.
> I have been extremely impressed with the overall maturity and capability of
> the EMC2 ecosystem.  The live CD was an absolute time saver and wonderful
> resource.  The sample configurations got me basically going out of the box,
> pncconf has been unbelievably helpful as I've advanced in what is hooked up,
> and halmeter and halscope are pure genious.  Great job to all involved, and
> I hope to do my small part by documenting another mill conversion in
> (hopefully) very accessible detail.
> To the point, though, I am having one not-so-minor problem.  When I enable
> the servos, they are not completely stable, and I'll get following error
> almost immediately after enabling them.  They don't run away, but the
> encoders show them moving ever so slightly, and physically the motors
> actually are moving.

As Jon Elson mentioned, if this is creep before the EMC has the servo loop 
closed, this is expected and should be prevented by not enabing the servo 
drives until EMC is in control. One 7I37TA output can be used for enabling all 
servo Axis.

> The Anilam system I'm converting is a servo drive with velocity feedback
> directly to the servo amps and rotary encoder output that I've wired to the
> 7i33TA board.  The servo amps take +/-10V for direction and velocity.  I can
> move the axis using the pncconf tuning page, and have tried to stabilize
> them using the DAC compenstation, but there is not a fixed amount of DAC
> compensation that seems to work.  The Anilam controls still work perfectly
> fine and the servos are stable when that control is running.
> I suspect a problem like ground differential, but the cable to the servo amp
> has ground, signal and shielding, so I was thinking I should be OK.  Despite
> the schematic on the wiki above, I am not powering the 7i33TA or 7i37TA
> on-board, but instead am using cable power (but I believe that is the only
> inaccuracy in the schematic).  The 50 pin ribbon cables are ~3 feet.

Normally servo drives have differential inputs (IN+, and IN-) and a ground 
line. The 7I33TA analog outputs and adjacent grounds should go the the servo 
drives IN+ and IN- pins respectively. This differential input is what rejects 
ground (common mode) noise. If you leave an input (like IN-) disconnected
you would expect some noisy, flakey behaviour.

But at this point its still not clear if you have a noise problem, a creep 
problem because the drives are enabled before they should be, a servo drive 
input connection error, or simply that you have not tuned (or even closed) the 
PID loop yet. (I think pncconf just does an open loop test so it will not 
hold position)

If you make the ferror larger what happens?

> Would it be better to power the boards from the 5V supply already in the
> chassis?  Is this a problem that can be solved with PID tuning?  Has anyone
> seen anything like this?  I've searched the email list and have not been
> able to find anyone with the same problem.

I would not change the default power arrangements unless you have too low 5V 
power at the 7I33 (say <4.5V)

> Thanks very much in advance,
> Scott
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Peter Wallace
Mesa Electronics

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