On Sat, 2011-09-24 at 10:14 +0300, Viesturs Lācis wrote:
> Hello, gentlemen!
> I would like to ask, if anyone could share their experience with Omron
> V1000 VFD. More specifically, I am interested in getting the drive
> communicating with EMC through Modbus. Is there anything specific to
> know or to avoid?
> Thanks in advance!
> Viesturs

It has been a while since I played with Modbus, but Modbus is a standard
for communication and partly the internal working of devices. The
communication may be through a serial port or Ethernet. The internal
part is a loose register configuration. Each device will need a custom
driver covering the register assignments. Documentation for the device
will be needed. Serial and Ethernet is in user space, so is non-realtime
which might be fine for a spindle. Checking for the spindle speed status
might be an issue, there should a HAL component for this.

Basically, one should start with one of the existing drivers and modify
it to match the registers of the device in question. There are a few
links that started covering VFD Modbus, but didn't get too far:

There is a subtle difference between the different sample drivers. I
seem to recall the difference is in where the sources are and how to
compile them, either as a HAL component or compiled in EMC2.

I may be able to dust off some of the little gray cells if more
information is needed. It would be a good thing if I or someone else
would bring the wiki up to date on this.

Another issue is that Modbus is rather old and may not be useful
sometime in the future.

Off the top of my head, real-time might be had with a parallel port
connection to an AVR/Arduino to convert to Modbus, which could solve
some of the communications timing issues, ... or not.

Kirk Wallace
California, USA

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