On Oct 7, 2011, at 08:52 , Viesturs Lācis wrote:

> 2011/10/7 Peter C. Wallace <p...@mesanet.com>:
>> Can you disconnect your external wiring and try the example HAL/INI file? 
>> (the
>> hm2-stepper/7i43) then check the step/dir pins (check the dmesg or 
>> correct.PIN
>> file for pinout)
> I removed the 50-pin header and tried to measure with multimeter -
> direction pin changed from 0 to 3,2 V and back, when changed
> directions, step pin changed from 0.02 to 0.08 and back, when motor
> should had moved or no.

Is your parallel port 5V?  Is your 7i43 configured for 3.3V?  You may not be 
providing enough voltage to your stepper amps.  Check the W2 jumper.

>> Pastebin a dmesg trace of starting emc and jogging.
> http://pastebin.com/MZq5jbEe

That dmesg shows two different bitfiles being used, with different pinouts, but 
otherwise things look good.

Sebastian Kuzminsky

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