On Sat, 2011-10-15 at 01:12 -0400, Tom Easterday wrote:
> We are having some issues turning a servo motor with a Granite Devices
> drive and in the process accidentally fried our homemade differential
> to single ended conversion boards.  We ordered some parts to repair
> them and in the mean time I modified my hal config to ignore encoder
> feedback so we could continue to test other issues.   When we run
> above 2000ipm we have significant following error and the motor
> overshoots it's mark by a decent amount (say, an inch or so) and then
> comes back.  Shouldn't EMC think that commanded position and actual
> position are always in sync with the config below or am I missing
> something?
> Could our Mesa cards be doing something wrong?
Does HALscope or HALmeter show that axis.N.motor-pos-cmd and
axis.1.motor-pos-fb values match? I suppose they don't match because
that is what following error is. Usually for steppers, a following error
is due to the g-code commands calling for motion exceeding the maximum
velocity and acceleration settings in the .ini file. Steps are commonly
made with stepgen, which will use the limits and suppress the output
step rate when the limits are reached, creating an error. Check to see
if the Mesa values match the measured maximum performance of your axes,
then check to see that your g-code does not call for moves that will
exceed these set points. 

Or, it may be something else.

Kirk Wallace
California, USA

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