----- Original Message ----- 
From: "andy pugh" <bodge...@gmail.com>
To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)" <emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
Sent: Saturday, December 03, 2011 1:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Does emc2 support jogging backward/forward 
alongwith g-code?

> On 3 December 2011 13:11, Yishin Li <y...@araisrobo.com> wrote:
>> approach #1:
>> * have negative request-velocity for BACKWARD motion of current TC
>> * replace tc-queue with circular buffer for bi-directional move
>> * figure out how to feed the bi-directional circular buffer
>> approach #2:
>> * have negative request-velocity for BACKWARD motion of current TC
>> * a dedicate FORWARD-tc-queue for FORWARD motion
>> * a dedicate BACKWARD-tc-queue for BACKWARD motion
> This ties in rather tightly with the "jog/touch-off while paused"
> issue and the difficulty with "run from line" both of which I think
> are being looked at by other people, though I don't know if any coding
> has been done.
> I have been thinking about it, and I think that the second idea is
> probably best, a fixed "history" queue that describes the path that
> exists in the metal, and a more flexible, re-computable "future" queue
> that depends on the G-code not yet run.
> The "future queue" has to be re-computable, as so much can change,
> including the whole flow of the G-code, depending on variables and
> offsets changing. "Run from line" is a particularly interesting
> puzzle, but not directly linked to your question.
> I think that you would probably want to link this into "adaptive feed"
> and "feed over-ride", simply allow these to go negative.
> -- 

This functionality ought to be very useful if implementing a Wire EDM 
machine when recovering from a short or even broken wire..

Best wishes

John Prentice 

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