when I was studying physics back in the 60ies and 70ies, the labs of the 
Technical University of Munich were full of Tek 525's, 545's etc. 
Earning some extra money during study time at Siemens labs, I found the 
same models there. Even at this time, they were considered models of 
yesteryear, good enough for student work. Since they were standing all 
over the place, nobody felt the need of transporting them. And more: 
everybody in the TU knew that Tek had equipped them with some special, 
readily oxidizable alloy for the handle strips, the one and only place 
of corrosion (aside from the rear blower air filter, a foam part 
disintegrating into crumbs precisely after 20 years). Besides: the rusty 
handles and the weight made them almost impossible to zapzarap - which 
is very common with high value electronic equipment nowadays in labs, I 

Last year, I bought a used Tek 422 for my hobby use - after repairing a 
simple primary manufacturing fault (unconnected extension rod coupling 
at the time base switch) it was working perfectly. Easily portable, size 
of a sheet of paper, dual trace, fast enough for me. The thing may never 
have been used, the time base switch being defective from the beginning. 
It cost me about $13.

Modern scopes have liquid crystal displays - I still love green traces....

gene heskett schrieb:
> On Wednesday, December 14, 2011 11:32:46 AM Peter C. Wallace did opine:
>> On Wed, 14 Dec 2011, gene heskett wrote:
>>> That's great news Peter, but what does a fully stuffed 7623 weigh?  My
>>> Hitachi, which of course is not a storage type, weighs maybe 10
>>> pounds, goes anywhere. Probes won't reach?  Stick an upside down 5
>>> gallon paint bucket under it.  :)
>> Well its has a handle but its not what I would call portable...
>> Just guessing, 25 Lbs or so
> 25 isn't too bad.  But I can recall the 545, which had 2 handles and needed 
> a porter on each one.  Far side of 80 pounds. I checked one out of the tool 
> crib at EAFB in about Oct. '61 because I needed to check a camera from the 
> portal door of one of the Titan sites wrapped around EAFB. They didn't have 
> a 4 wheel warehouse cart and the parking lot at the MAMS building on that 
> entrance was only rocked anyway, got halfway to the car with it, headed for 
> the back wire maintenance corner of the base and one of the internal to the 
> handle steel straps broke from rust.  Made quite an impression on my both 
> my foot and the scope.  I took it back and checked out another, bitching 
> about somebody's kids leaving it out in the rain.  Fortunately I didn't 
> have to pay for the damages.  I saw a 585 once, much much heavier.
>> Peter Wallace
>> Mesa Electronics

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