On 19.02.12 09:29, Kirk Wallace wrote:
> In looking at the wiki APT page:
> http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?AptProgrammingForEMC 
> there is a link:
> http://www.nfrpartners.com/nfraptlang.htm 
> What comes to mind is that APT may not be easier for simple g-code
> tasks,

Kirk, you've probably won the intergalactic grand prize for
understatement, there. During a break from the gcode translator, I've
just taken a peek at that link, and I am stunned. Viesturs was right.
APT is (I think) just too laborious to compose or interpret, due to
unbelievable prolixity (and therefore lexical complexity which is beyond
human comprehension, unless an impractical amount of time and sweat is
invested in mentally merging and resolving the disparate sections.)

The example at the link demonstrates the language's complexity problems
quite well. To generate just 4 arcs and 4 straight lines, it uses 47
code lines! Gcode does that in 8. It is clearly a CAM language, with a
high level of flexibility. But it is a pig to read, too great a quantity
of mire to wade through, and I can't help thinking it's overkill for any
simple job.

> but if one had a part where features are connected, such as the
> example with connected arcs, if one feature is changed, APT
> automatically changes related features(?). Plus it seems to handle 3D
> features, which to me doesn't seem reasonable to do with hand g-coding.

Dunno that I'm immediately convinced that the enormous price is offset
by significant benefits. If we need to move a gcode arc, because the
straight line leading into it grew by half an inch, then it is moved
automatically if the arc centre position is relative, isn't it?

If the arc is 90°, and we exit to another straight line, then it has to
be manually moved to be tangent again, if that is what we want. But
there might not be meat out there, and the new design might need an
S-bend, i.e. a second arc in the opposite direction (or some other
fiddle), to come back to the exit line. No amount of language smarts can
predict the size and shape of the new casting which will roll in the
door, so the motion tweaking has to be manual in any event, I suspect.

> It looks like APT360 is usable, it might be worth while to formulate
> ways to make it more convenient to use, and go from there.

Weeelll, for various values of "worth while", making it more convenient
to use would have to be an improvement. But as ancient Irish wisdom has
it, "If I was going there, I wouldn't start from here."

Gcode seems good for expressing machine motion, except that it is at the
other extreme - it is too terse, and in no way mnemonic.

In another break from adding gcode translation, I've just added handling
of included files. That allows common machine initialisations to be
stored in files, and included in new programs by a single line. It also
allows collections of related subroutines in a single file (named as the user
pleases), which become part of the including program, at the point of

The next step is to add an alias (or #define) command, which will allow
the user to give meaningful names to #5400 and its friends. Without
explanatory comments, I'd be surprised if anyone could walk up to a
gcode program and instantly know what an expression using #5400 and/or
#5410 is doing. A meaningful variable name can fix that.

And wouldn't it be more useful to be able to use something along the
lines of Workspace[2,Z] instead of #5243?

ISTM that APT is a Bridge Too Far, and incremental improvements in what
we have are more achievable.


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Can't we do better? C++? (Sorry, never mind.)      - Rob Pike

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