On 4/2/2012 11:12 PM, gene heskett wrote:
> In documenting all the wiring around linuxcnc for the lathe, I had started
> a libreoffice-base session and had about half of the C1G wiring all laid
> out so it would be in a format I could easily use to complete the .hal file
> configuration.
> But of course in starting and stopping linuxcnc so many times while I
> verified that what I wrote was correct, the&^)*&%#@ system went away on me
> and I had to hit the hdwe reset to reboot it.
> The latest version of LO-Base had been running for perhaps 1.5 hours at
> that point, so if it did do an automatic save, it had yonks to do it in and
> I should have been able to do a full recovery as I hadn't made a new entry
> in 45 minutes or more due to chasing down a broken wire that stopped the Z
> motor steps from getting through.  Which it did attempt, but the only thing
> it could recover was the filename.odt.  About 3kb of mostly binary that did
> not even include the column heading text.   Not even the empty form view
> could be recovered when it tried, and no errors were reported when it tried
> so I had assumed it was successful until I tried to view it&  drew a blank.
> <...>
> Does this so-called database program have an auto-save and I didn't have it
> turned on because "on" is not the default?  Shame on LO-Base in that event.


I've never used the Base (eg, database) component of 
OpenOffice/LibreOffice, but for other OpenOffice3/LibreOffice3 
components, from the toolbar I can choose 
"Tools...Options...Load/Save...General" and see a list of options 
including a checkbox for turning on "Save Autorecovery information every 
xx minutes". On both my Ubuntu 10.04 (OpenOffice) and Ubuntu 11.10 
(LibreOffice) systems, this box is checked by default and xx is 15 (e.g, 
the save occurs every 15 minutes)..

I have no clue if Autorecovery applies to the database component or, if 
it does apply, how well it stands up to a crowbar event.

> <...>
> Cheers, Gene

Good luck. I know from personal experience how frustrating it is to do a 
lot of work and see it evaporate before reaping the result (I've heard a 
great, earthy Bavarian farmer joke that applies).


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