Peter C. Wallace wrote:
> No, but a torque mode PID loop is also responsible for velocity control. This 
> is handled by a separate high speed loop in your drive when your drive is in 
> velocity mode. A Torque mode PID loop often needs to to run at a higher 
> sample 
> rate than a PID loop controlling a velocity mode drive. That is to say 
> LinuxCNCs 1 KHz default servo thread rate may be marginal for a torque mode 
> drive (not enough phase margin for the D term).
It is possible to turn up the servo rate by reducing SERVO_PERIOD in the 
.ini file.
2 KHz should be easy, 4 KHz should be possible with a PCI plug-in 
parallel port,
but may not work with the on-motherboard port.
> Also because a torque mode PID control loop depends so much on the D term, 
> its 
> helpful if the velocity feedback is a good as possible. I'm pretty sure the 
> PPMC has velocity estimation (as opposed to plain old crunchy dp/dt)
No, it doesn't.  The only one of our boards that has this, NOW, is the 
Universal PWM Controller.
I plan to put it into the other boards soon.  But, until the release of 
2.5, users would have had to
run a developer's version of LinuxCNC to use this feature, it was not in 
the driver for


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