On Sat, 2012-04-07 at 18:15 -0700, Dan Dimock wrote:
> I am new to CNC and have just got my unit up and ready to run.
> I tested it out on the file that is with the software program and it
> works fine, but I have not been able to download a new G-Code file
> into it.
> The program that I am using is SheetCam to produce the G-Code and I
> have several jobs in the home folder ready to go but I have not found
> in the manual how to load them into the EMC program.
> I welcome any help that any one can give me with this.

If I understand your question correctly, with AXIS running, you can
click on File (top left of AXIS window), then Open. This should open
another window showing the files in /home/my-home/emc2/nc_files. By
default there should be a directory named examples listed. Your SheetCam
g-code files should go into this nc_files directory so that when you do
the above Files/Open your files will be listed. You can create
subdirectories like the examples directory, to segregate your files if
needed. Just click on the file you want to run or subdirectory to open
and click the Open button. After AXIS loads your file, you should be
able to see its contents in the widow at the bottom of AXIS. You should
then Home your axes before you touch off and run your program.
Kirk Wallace
California, USA

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