My big machine was never shut off, It was on for at least ten days and
maybe more.
I came to the workshop and swtiched the light on (two rows of industrial
double fluorescent), I noticed that the machine gave noise when the light
went on which has never happened before. I went to the machine which is
close to the main fuses, so I flipped the light fuse off/on and a shiver
went down the spine - the machine moved when the light was turned on!!!

I immediately started to check the grounding points, the voltage in the
grounding point at the cabinet, tried to add a new grounding point,
restarted the controller hardware - no difference at all! I restarted EMC2
(yes, haven't upgraded yet...) and guess what, the disturbance went zip,
nada, totally gone! The computer was still not restarted.
I restarted stuff, pulled cables, flipped the light fuse, restarted the
controller computer. Nothing, and I really mean nothing, could reproduce
the error.

This must be one of the most weird things I've seen in electronics, but
sensitivity to noise was accumulated in the software. Once restarted it was
all gone.
Now a day later the machine is still fine.

Weird, right?

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