On 8/1/2012 2:32 PM, jeremy youngs wrote:
> thanks for posting that kent I dont yet know how to post bugs but thats on
> my list of things to learn I to wish i had an atc also

Jeremy (and Andy):

Dewey Garrett has already responded on the emc-developers list (that's 
where the bug tracker announces new bug postings) with a proposed fix in 
the form of a patch to tool_parse.cc.

I just tried it out with simulators built in LinuxCNC v2.5.1 and 
v2.6.0~pre and it seems to work fine. For the jiggered tool table file I 
mentioned before, AXIS can now load all the tools including T9 and T4. I 
trust other users who do have automated tool changers will test this 
patch too.

Thanks and a tip of the hat to Dewey.

As for information about reading and posting bugs to the tracker, see 
the fifth entry under the Communications bullet in the Wiki.


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