Dave wrote:
> Did he give any reasons as to why?
A lack of vendor involvement was part of it, but given the space WCC was
making available, I don't see how more vendors could have really got in
there.  This might have been a "critical mass" problem, WCC wouldn't
offer a larger space unless we had more people, more vendors wouldn't show
unless we had more people, more people wouldn't come without more
vendors and speakers.

But, also he said he was completely tied up from February to
June with logistics.  I think maybe he could have pushed back on people who
were demanding too much of his time, or maybe hired a part-time kid
to just field calls for him.  I am fairly sure Roland didn't devote this 
time to his meetings, but then he had something like 3 full-time employees
that he dedicated for a month before the show.

The building at WCC was great with all the small classrooms and one
big lecture hall, but we needed a bigger space to put the vendors/


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