> My problem is that the drive controller has a direction input and a speed
> input and the speed input is 0 to +10V regardless of direction.  My
> thinking was that I could just tie the direction pin feeding to the 7i33
> high and wire a different I/O pin to the direction input of the drive and
> tie  that pin to the spindle direction.
> Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to tie the direction pin feeding the
> 7i33 to high.  In the pncconf-generated configuration there is no explicit
> configuration that I can see tying the spindle direction to the direction
> pin expected by the 7i33.
> Am I missing something obvious or is there a different way to accomplish
> what I want?
> Thanks!
> Scott

The problem is linuxcnc does not have a pin that supplies absolute spindle 
So you must run it through an absolute component and use the spindle cw signal.

Do you use the spindle display options in PNCconf?
If you do then depending if you use spindle feedback (encoder) or not there 
will be
one of three signals available :
No feedback:     absolute-spindle-vel   ( this is in RPM)
encoder:  spindle-fb-filtered-abs-rpm or spindle-fb-filtered-abs-rps

The second two are filtered but I don't imagine that matters much.
You would have to mess with the scale of the PWM gen to match input signal
units and range.

you would disconnect spindle-vel-cmd  from the spindle PWM gen and connect 
one of those signals to the PWM gen.

Then you can use spindle cw signal (selected in the mesa page) to select the 
on an available output pin.

I think that should work if I didn't confuse you or me :)

Chris M

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