2012/11/27 Sven Wesley <svenne.d...@gmail.com>:
> 2012/11/27 Stuart Stevenson <stus...@gmail.com>
>> I just installed on 12.04 last week.
>> I followed this page.
>> It worked great when I read the last line. :)
>> http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Build_A_Simulator_Manually
> Viesturs, it looks like you are using the wrong configure flag, it should
> be "sim" only.

./configure sim is supposed to be executed from linuxcnc-dev/debian
folder, while
./configure --enable-simulator is executed from linuxcnc-dev/src folder.

The thing is that I was supposed to run _both_ of these commands.

> I've used the tutorial Stuart posted several times to setup the simulator
> (I wrote that wiki based on Anders Wallin's steps) and I've never edited
> any makefile to get it up and running.

Thank You, guys!
Now I tried these steps:
1) git checkout v2.5.1
to cancel any changes I did and in mail archive I found that somebody
tried building simulator on 12.10 and there were some issues with
master while 2.5.1 built correctly, so I decided that it might be the
case here as well...

2) I ran in terminal
cd /home/vie/linuxcnc-dev/debian
./configure sim

cd /home/vie/linuxcnc-dev/src
./configure sim

The thing is that "make" command terminates with error:
Compiling hal/utils/scope_vert.c
Compiling hal/utils/scope_trig.c
Compiling hal/utils/scope_disp.c
Compiling hal/utils/scope_files.c
Linking halscope
Compiling emc/usr_intf/axis/extensions/emcmodule.cc
Linking python module linuxcnc.so
Linking ../rtlib/abs.so
ld: no input files
make: *** [../rtlib/abs.so] Error 1
make: Leaving directory `/home/vie/linuxcnc-dev/src'

Can anyone suggest me, what does it mean?


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