
When I tested just the pins and parameters the parameters don't show up 
with show all...

possibly I don't know how to load a component with a personality...


On 6/27/2013 11:14 AM, andy pugh wrote:
> On 27 June 2013 14:03, john mcintyre <> wrote:
>> The gear box has 6 magnetic clutches in the gearboxand 2 magnetic clutches 
>> in the headstock ( high  and low range)The gear changes only take place,when 
>> there is no load.I have  the truth tables to select the magnetic clutches 
>> required for each spindle speed .
> I think you can build the logic using existing HAL components.
> One LUT5 per clutch can be used to set the mode of that clutch for each speed.
> LUT5 takes individual input bits, however, so you need some way of
> converting a gear-number into 5 separate bits.
> The matrix_kb component (in Master) can do this, but would need to be
> installed by hand in a non-master config (not too difficult)
> Alternatively, you could use mux16, which is also fairly close to what
> is required.
> I think the closest component to what is needed is mux_generic, but
> you would need 8 of those. It has the advantage that it can take an
> integer gear number, and output individual bits. It has the
> disadvantage that it only exists in master, so you would have to
> "comp" it into your system.
> So, if you are going to need to comp it anyway, perhaps a custom
> component is called for? (Actually, this seems like a fairly useful
> component in general, so perhaps could be added to the distribution).
> Also, bear in mind that my knowledge of HAL components is not
> exhaustive, there might already be one that does this.
> component gearchange "drive up to 32 gearbox solenoids";
> pin in u32 gear "the selected gear";
> pin out bit out-## [10] "solenoid driver bits";
> param rw u32  table-## [32:personality] "logic table. personality ==
> number of gears";
> function _;
> license "Any prime-numbered GPL version :-)"
> ;;
> int i;
> if (gear > 0 && gear <= personality){
>      for (i = 0; i < 10; i++){
>          out(i) = (( table(gear)  & (1 << i)) != 0);
>      }
> }
> This code was written on-the-fly on a Windows PC, and is utterly untested.
> Save in a text file, install according to the hyperlink. Then populate
> the "table" parameters with the bit-patterns corresponding to the
> solenoids for each gear.
> This could probably usefully handle different VFD velocity scaling
> factors too. And have a mode where the bits are inputs, corresponding
> to physical lever positions, to do the same calculation backwards.

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