On 9/7/2013 4:03 PM, Kirk Wallace wrote:
> I have been looking at 10" to 12" displays with HDMI input, which would 
> be the cleanest setup, but they are more expensive than a 19". On the 
> other hand, laptop displays could be had for free or almost free. The 
> BBB seems to have an LCD port, which I haven't looked into yet. I was 
> also considering hacking picture frames, but again have little 
> information on these. Ideally, someone has already done all the work on 
> one of these solutions, and I can just copy it. ;)

Your easiest path is using an HDMI display.

EBay is your friend here, just make sure you get a display with enough
pixels to see the entire LinuxCNC display.  I got an 800x480 7" display
which works great, but none of the (recent) UI choices for LinuxCNC work
well with this small (in pixels) of a screen.  :(

If you want small, the 7" 1024x600 displays should work well, which you
can get on eBay for under $90 US:


If you want quick and easy, just go pick up an HDMI TV at your local
WalMart or equivalent.  Anything with a 720p or higher native resolution
should work OK, which should be most available displays these days.

Interfacing to a picture frame LCD is more hassle than it's worth,
unless you want to go through the experience (and gain the knowledge) of
trying to interface to a raw LCD panel which probably doesn't have specs
you can find online.

Charles Steinkuehler

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