Quote: "Peter C. Wallace" <p...@mesanet.com>

snip -
Well... Thats not entirely true, the muxed data serial can be recovered just 
like the muxed encoder data is. 9600 baud is so slow that the muliplexing will 
cause minimal distortion (it will be sampled at 4 MHz so something like 400 
samples/bit time)

So _it is_ possible to have a dual use pin, though its a fair hack to the 
firmware (adding the multifunction UARX/Counter pin and arranging it to get 
wired correctly) and HM2 driver (supporting that new pin type)

If you had free differential input pins (7I74 on P2 etc) it might make more 
sense to simply connect the A/'A pins to the second differential input that 
connects to a UART.

Other options are using the PC's serial or USB/serial with 422 adapters since 
the absolute position is only read once and need not be read real time

end quote:
Remember this serial input will be needed for every joint/servo drive.
That is several serial channels if they need to be read all at once. Otherwise 
you will need some form of switching unit to feed each channel as you 
'home/read home'.

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