I just do that in G code for my BP until I fit a proper motor.

(DEBUG, Set Spindle Speed to 500)
M0 ; wait for the start button to be pressed

On 9/12/2013 11:18 PM, Cecil Thomas wrote:
> I have completed the CNC conversion of my Monarch 10EE except for the
> spindle speed control.  For now I must set the spindle speed manually
> with the speed knob.
>    Until I have figured out how to control the 10EE speed  from
> LinuxCNC I would like to have a message or notice to show up in my
> Axis  custompanel where I have the  spindle speed readout and
> the  Spindle at speed Led.
>    I would like for it to say:
>    "set spindle speed to #71  RPM" .
>     But of course #71 is a variable and it is calculated in my
> threading program based on the maximum Z axix velocity I want to
> thread at and the pitch of the thread I am cutting.  So it would
> really say something like:
> "Set Spindle Speed to 325 RPM"   where 325 is the value of the
> calculated variable.
>     I can't put it in a MSG because MSG won't accept variables.  I
> could put it in a PRINT statement but it would only show up in a
> terminal window if I started LCNC from a terminal.  Which will work
> but is not very cool presentation-wise.
> Is there a reasonably simple way to get a variable to display on the
> Custompanel ??
> Thanks,
> Cecil
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