Why would you need to shield the belts? I've run my plasma with the 
belts hanging out in the breeze for years...

I agree a shaft connecting both sides of the gantry is the best way to 
go. I did find a thin wall tube to connect the sides worked much better 
than a shaft.


On 11/6/2013 7:27 PM, Gregg Eshelman wrote:
> On 11/6/2013 12:47 PM, Marshland Engineering wrote:
>> I'm looking to make a new CNC table for both Plasma and possibly Plastic and
>> Aluminum cutting. It will be about 1.8m x 1.2m.
>> I was wondering if anyone has a similar configuration that is run with
>> toothed belts instead of ballscrews? Obvously a lot cheaper option, however,
>> I was wondering on the rigidity of the overall construction. I probably
>> would only be cutting up to 3 mm aly plate with a 6mm diameter or less
>> cutter.
>> Thanks Wallace
> You'll have to fully shield the belts if you intend to use belt drive
> for plasma cutting. Search for CNC chain drive on Youtube for many
> examples of how to use stationary roller chains to drive a gantry.
> If you want to avoid having to keep separate motors synchronized, use a
> cross shaft to drive both sides.
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