I think you want

On 11/20/2013 04:16 PM, Charles Steinkuehler wrote:
> For my 3D printer, I am currently using the existing M1xx convention to
> do things like set the extruder temperature and set the cooling fan
> speed.  The problem is that this causes a brief pause in coordinated
> motion as the whole of LinuxCNC comes to a stand-still, my shell-script
> is executed to set a HAL signal value, and motion resumes again.  Each
> pause winds up turning into a small 'blob' of plastic as the extruder
> oozes a bit while it remains stuck in one spot.
> So...is there a way to communicate arbitrary values from gcode to HAL
> that doesn't cause motion to completely stop (or to stop for a lot less
> time than it takes to launch a sub-process running a shell script)?
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