On 28/11/13 11:08, Gene Heskett wrote:
> Greetings to all on an early morning of Thanksgiving day;
> Just to make sure I've not screwed the moose since I've been pretty good at
> that, I have placed a screenshot of linuxcnc working with camview-emc at
> <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene/tmppix>
> Can someone familiar with it tell me if I have all the "buttons" I should
> have, and since its known to be order sensitive but the tabs are out of
> order, is it still usable?  the halio unit paragraph is the last "unit" in
> the xml camview config file.
> This is one of the hazards of being 1500 miles from your kids, we'll be
> lazing like usual instead of fixing a t-day dinner for half of Cox's Army,
> just us two.
> We have a big slab of ham, and a couple yams (much less sugar than potato's
> we've been told) and some other "trim-ins", so we'll eat well.  I hope you
> all have a  pleasant and enjoyable day.  We'll be playing in about 2" of
> soggy snow the weatherman is threatening to blow around some over east of
> us, possibly even grounding Snoopy from doing the Macy's parade.  But thats
> about 200 miles away.  And will go on with or without our blessing. :)
> Cheers, Gene
All looks ok Gene ,

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