I’ll start looking.
Thanks for the pointer

On 14 Jan 2014, at 19:57, Michael Haberler <mai...@mah.priv.at> wrote:

> Am 14.01.2014 um 19:33 schrieb Charles Steinkuehler 
> <char...@steinkuehler.net>:
>> On 1/14/2014 12:21 PM, Bas de Bruijn wrote:
>>> Yes, the BeagleBone Black,
>>> the PRU is hat 10us step length and 1us step time.
> The PRU code cannot cause an "unexpected realtime delay", since this is a 
> message generated by the motion component. Since missing steps have no way to 
> find their way back into HAL except if you are running a stepper servo loop 
> with encoders (which you likely dont), this cannot be the source either.
> The logic for "unexpected realtime delay" is here: 
> https://github.com/mhaberler/linuxcnc/blob/unified-build-candidate-3/src/emc/motion/control.c#L249
> What motion does is:
> - observes its invocation interval over a window of samples,
> - once the window is filled with samples, start checking:
> - compare the current invocation time to all samples
> - if the current interval is longer than 1.2 of any of the samples then 
> generate an "unexpected realtime delay" message.
> What you want to do is investigate the functions on the servo thread.
> see the 'show thread' and 'show param' commands 
> http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/devel/html/hal/tutorial.html, in particular the 
> '.time' and '.tmax' values, which might give a hint which thread function 
> takes too long. 
> It might be worth looking at motion execution times, see the PARAMETERS 
> section ofhttp://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/devel/html/man/man9/motion.9.html. 
> - Michael
>>> The servo task period, in nano sec is 1000000.
>>> When i run a latency test i get a jitter of approximately 56000 to 60000 ns 
>>> max Jitter
>>> I’ll disable the screensaver to check.
>> The latency you report is typical for the BeagleBone.  The "unexpected
>> realtime delay" is something I see occasionally on my systems.  I
>> haven't fully dug into the cause, but it seems like something in
>> LinuxCNC has hard-coded jitter numbers and doesn't like the BeagleBone
>> (which has higher IRQ jitter than a typical x86 system).  I've never had
>> it cause issues, however, and it is not correlated with a spike in
>> latency as measured by either the LinuxCNC latency-test or the xenomai
>> latency utility.
>> I also run with the screen saver and display power management enabled on
>> my BeagleBone and have not had any issues with "missed steps".
>> I suggest you review the current setting on your stepper drivers,
>> cooling on the stepper drivers, the mechanical system (make sure
>> everything moves freely and can't bind), and review your machine setup.
>> I did have to dial my acceleration down to around 2400 mm/s/s to avoid
>> missing steps with some Slic3r generated infill gcode, but that had
>> nothing to do with the BeagleBone, my steppers and drivers just weren't
>> up to the task when running off 12V.
>> -- 
>> Charles Steinkuehler
>> char...@steinkuehler.net
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