On 9 February 2014 11:30, bruno <br...@tinkerbox.org> wrote:

> After configuring, I started linuxcnc (with tklinuxcnc as I have opengl
> issues with axis right now), and it immediately gives me joint following
> errors. No move, nothing.

It might be that Pncconf doesn't teack following error, or has higher limits.

However, if this is a stepper system then "following error" means
something slightly different to what it means in a servo system. It
means that the system has not been able to make the number of steps

What this typically means is that the system stepgen accelleration
numbers are bigger than the step generator limits. Have a look through
your INI file and check that the step-generator accel limits are "a
bit" higher than the system and axis limits.

Is the machine a gantry system? The other possibility is that the
step-generator feedback is going to the wrong axis.

If you can't fix it, you don't own it.

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