Hallo Charles,

for use with PC, I could try to adaped gmoccapy surface to suit your 
needs. You just need to tell me what you need. Marius did that resulting 
in the plasma screen of gmoccapy.

Unfortunately I am not come so far, to reduce the CPU load very much, 
but I am working on that part.


Am 10.02.2014 18:10, schrieb Charles Steinkuehler:
> On 2/10/2014 6:54 AM, Steve wrote:
>> I am interested in using EMC2 to control a 3D printer.  I have searched
>> the archives and gone thru the wiki and couldn't find any EMC2
>> conversions dedicated to driving a 3D printer.  I saw the rep-strap
>> versions but the printers appear to be modified versions of a CNC mill
>> or small router.  I am interested in replacing the Arduino controller
>> with EMC2 driving a dedicated printer.  Ideally the set up for EMC would
>> be similar to modules already in place for a stepper motor  based mill.
>> Unfortunately my skills ly on the mechanical side and as such don't know
>> enough about code writing to dig into EMC2 and make the changes myself.
> Replacing an Arduino with LinuxCNC is straight-forward.  LinuxCNC simply
> sees the 3D printer as a 4-axis machine.  The only slight complication
> is providing for temperature control.  This can be done in a variety of
> ways ranging from fully external thermostats to several different
> control options in LinuxCNC and HAL.
> The CAM path for 3D printing with LinuxCNC requires a bit of tweaking,
> and you have to be careful if using LinuxCNC for temperature control (be
> careful, the easy to use custom M1xx codes cause LinuxCNC to come to a
> full stop while the M-code is executing, creating 'blobs' on the
> resulting prints).
> I've been working mostly with the BeagleBone, but lots of the issues
> I've encountered with 3D printing (like the M-Code "pause", and getting
> "RepRap" flavor gcode running on LinuxCNC) apply to LinuxCNC in general,
> regardless of the platform you're running on.  You'll find some useful
> posts on my blog, along with BeagleBone specific details that only apply
> if you're moving away from the PC:
> http://bb-lcnc.blogspot.com/
> ...including links to several videos of LinuxCNC controlling a 3D
> printer.  In fact, my first 3D printing video uses LinuxCNC running on a
> standard PC with software step-gen and a parallel port interface:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqnAU1g5Rys
> ...which I directly wired into the RAMPS printer control board using a
> small circuit built onto an Arduino prototype shield.  The interface is
> mostly direct wires except for an I2C interface and an ADC to read the
> thermistor temperature.  Details are on github:
> https://github.com/cdsteinkuehler/LinuxCNC-RepRap
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