Perhaps I should revert to 2.5.x but I moved to 2.6 for the 5i25 support.

I believe I am filling in all the tabs correctly.  This is my first
go-around. I am trying to get a close-enough sample lcnc configuration that
I can start retrofitting an older vmc.

Mesa 5i25/7i77/7i73. Field power applied, red led indicators on both
daughter cards.  Error is the same whether the 7i73 is plugged in or not.

The error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/pncconf", line 8326, in on_complete_finish
    if["mesa%d_currentfirmwaredata"% boardnum][_MAXSSERIALPORTS]:
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is unsubscriptable

All feedback welcome, I know I'm new to this!

Jason Burton
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