On 5/22/14 11:23 , Gene Heskett wrote:
> In setting up the homing switches on my lathe, there are two items in the
> .ini file I don't quite have the results I see, making any sense when I
> adjust them.

There's no .ini variable named HOME_POSITION.  Did you mean just 

[AXIS_*]HOME_OFFSET is the location of the home switch.

[AXIS_*]HOME is where the axis should park immediately after homing.

These are both described in the homing documentation:


> The Z switch, is now hidden under the back lip of the rear of the bed,
> location such (determined by a handy screw hole for the backsplash that is
> no longer there since the x motor is on the rear) that its closed by the
> rear gib riding over its roller as it approaches the spindle, in this case
> about an 25mm from hitting the chuck.
> Currently I do X first, and leave it sitting about a mm inboard of that
> switch, so if there is no tool on the tool post, it can then approach the
> chuck with no danger of hitting it, find the Z switch, do the double
> shuffle at low speed, then somehow it backs away about 30mm and puts the
> star on the z axis dro.
> Where I am puzzled is that both HOME_POSITION and HOME_OFFSET seem to
> control where its gets parked.  How can I differentiate them so I get the
> effect I want, which is to park Z another 50mm to the right so its safe to
> drop a tool on the toolpost and start the spindle?

I've never set up or run a CNC lathe, but i think i'd want to home Z 
away from the chunk, it seems less prone to crashes.

I'll assume your machine cannot travel to the left of your Z home switch.

If that's true i would use the Z home switch as the minimum Z value, Z=0 
in G53.  I'd set Z's HOME_OFFSET to 0 mm (so that the home switch is at 
0mm in G53) and i'd set Z's HOME to 50 mm (so that the machine parks 50 
mm to the right of the home switch after homing).

Make sense?

Sebastian Kuzminsky

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