On Monday 22 September 2014 03:55:47 alex chiosso did opine
And Gene did reply:
> Hi .
> I have to be agree with Gene on the man pages
> interpretation/description/decoding .
> I'm not criticizing anyone and I appreciate the efforts that the
> project stuff is making everyday .
> But reading some hal component man pages sometimes the description is
> hermetic and cryptical and even missing a clear example on the usage
> and the correct instantiation .
> For sure for the most of you (gurus and geeks) everything is clear but
> for a medium brained like I am sometimes is really hardful (even
> impossible) to understand correctly what the man page mean .
> Regards
> Alex
> On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 6:28 AM, Jon Elson <el...@pico-systems.com> 
> > On 09/20/2014 06:39 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > So, could we at some point, have a gearchange that works like the
> > > man
> > 
> > page
> > 
> > > says it does, or an accurate man page?
> > 
> > Please report to John Thornton, or file a bug report with
> > the LinuxCNC
> > group.  They will have to decide if it is an actual bug, or
> > just a
> > documentation problem.  I think John Thornton was actually the
> > author of gearchange, so even more appropriate that he look at
> > the docs for it.
> > 
> > Jon

I have PM'd John, but its now been 11 days since his last post here.  I 
hope he is ok and just "out of pocket" on a vacation or something. And I 
certainly hope that I have not caused him to feel insulted.  That is not 
and never has been my intention.  His recent work on engrave.py is an 
example of something we should all be offering thanks for.

However it appears that we, this group, do not have a 
"checklist" of requirements than a man page should fulfill.  IMO an 
example usage stanza should be shown.  Sure, it might make the page as 
much as 10 lines longer to do so, but as Confucious said, 1 picture=10,000 
words.  Even if it is a "word picture". ;-)

Features that aren't apparently connected to anything either in the 
various config files, nor in the manpages are particularly puzzling.

For instance, axis, when running a lathe, has a "checkbutton", actually 3, 
in the left panel when in the F3 display mode, one for "brake", one for 
"mist" coolant and one for "flood" coolant.  The linkage between the axis 
display and how it is merged into motion or iocontrol is simply not 100% 
traceable, and yet a checkbutton labeled "lowgear"
is precisely, exactly what I need to effect a mux2.N.sel =true|false in 
the .hal file that switches in a gain of nominally 1.8 between the 
pid.s.out and the pwmgen.N.value input when the headstock is in low 
backgear. I say nominally 1.8 because the target is a near neutral 
pid.s.error in either gear.

One of those 3, documented even if is an xml2 file format like most of the 
camview stuff, would probably supply enough info that I could easily add 
such a button to the expanse of unused space in the left axis panel. Along 
that same line of thought, a slider similar to one of the jog or feed 
override sliders that could be hooked to an integrated for de-noising, 
signal from pid.s.error should be possible so that we have an active 
indicator of how hard the spindle motor is being pushed to maintain its 
speed. Since my toy lathe has neither mist or flood coolant, I may see if 
I can highjack one of those buttons, which can be sent out to the BOB to 
do that, and use it instead in the .hal file.  But a funny thing happens 
when you cd to the linuxcnc directory, and do a "grep -R brake *", mist|
flood or brake.  Other than a comment line in a hal file that I put there, 
no hits on brake.

So how is that done?  In the meantime I will high jack one of these below:

I did try to do this first, based on the iocontrol man page:

net  lube <= iocontrol.0.lube => mux2.gc.sel

No error, but no "lube" button was created either.

net coolant-mist <=  iocontrol.0.coolant-mist => hm2_5i25.0.gpio.010.out
net coolant-flood <=  iocontrol.0.coolant-flood => hm2_5i25.0.gpio.009.out

To do my gear changing.  Using the flood checkbox works. But I'll be the 
only one on the planet that knows the flood checkbox is actually the 
headstock gearchange function.

I'm with Jackie Gleason, what a revolting development that is. ;-)

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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