> CD ROMs have a life.  The information does degrade.  When was the last time
>> you pulled out that CD with pictures of your children's birth or 1st
>> birthday and rewrote them to a new CD.  The sheer volume of photographs
>> makes organizing them tedious and therefore unlikely.  When you die will
>> your kids methodically go through them all and re-organize into their photo
>> albums?  Or will the CDs, and the plastic jewel cases be tossed into
>> recycling.
And on top of that, the printed photos will themselves have faded or
spontaneously combusted/composted due to some weird chemical action over
time. Even the archival quality inks (and who uses them for family
snaps?) only have a /simulated/ lifetime that hasn't been put to the
test yet - its just hopeful extrapolation from accelerated heat & UV
exposure testing.

I had occasion to re-burn some old discs a while ago, several were from
the era of single speed CDRs, and I foolishly put them in a drive that
can read at 52x.
Second disc in literally exploded. Very loudly.
I thought it was the PSU caps so leapt up and yanked the power lead.
When I dismantled the drive it was full of metallic confetti and SMALL
shards of polycarbonate, none bigger than a thumbnail.
It totally banjaxed the drive, I was quite surprised at the amount of
energy in a small spinning disc. The fragments left deep gouges in the
CD tray.
Luckily I had a later backup which I made sure to read at 2x.
Now I mainly use a stack of obsolete HDDs and copy from one to the other
every few years.
I use a fair few 35GB Rev discs too, and give sets to family to stash.
Hard copy is the only sure way, preferably chiselled 6" into a granite
cliff face...

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