
Still struggling with your login?

On 11/21/2014 06:56 PM, Allen wrote:
> I hope this finds someone that can help.
> I have my user name and password written down, the system doesn’t like
> them anymore!

you must have written it incorrectly. Make sure your Caps Lock is not on 
or numerical part of keyboard is not in edit mode.

> I have tried to get a new password and asked for my user name as suggested.
> I get no emails with either user name or password.

Where is that suggestion coming from? This is not on some server or "in 
the cloud" where applications make it possible to recover from login 

> What now?????
> Allen

Bootup from CD or it's USB equivalent and select a rescue mode. That 
should make it possible to change the password. I don't remember where 
the root partition will be mounted by default if at all. Regardless, you 
need to open a terminal and run a command 'df' which would tell you if 
/dev/sda1 is mounted or not.

If it's mounted, go to the mount point, /tmp/target for example, and 
edit file /tmp/target/etc/shadow. But let's assume you used Ubuntu CD to 
boot from and that the hard drive was not mounted. That happened in my 
test with LinuxCNC in virtual environment, Virtualbox.

Open a terminal. You are going to be logged in as user ubuntu. You 
either need to prepend all suggested commands with sudo or become user 
root, my preference.

Switch to user 'root' with command 'sudo su -'. Run the following 
commands one by one:
fsck /dev/sda1
mkdir /tmp/sda1
mount /dev/sda1 /tmp/sda1

Now you should be able to run
ls /tmp/sda1
That is disk drive partition 1 "root" or top point. You should see 
directory named etc among others in there.

cd /tmp/sda1/etc
cp shadow shadow.bkp    <-- creates a backup copy.

ls shadow*   <-- command shows two shadow files in that directory. Most 
likely 3 as one is shadow~ also a backup created by the system at some 

Now edit file named shadow and remove the password, that is the part 
between the first and second ':' following your user name. In your case 
it might look like:


       ^ ----------- remove ---------------- ^

Make sure you don't remove anything else. Save the file and reboot from 
the hard drive. You should be able to login without a password 
afterwards. Then change your password. Make sure you test login before 
you logout to prevent lockout again.

For editor you can use either vi or nano.

There are other ways to do it but that's the easiest IMO. The same would 
work for most if not all Linux distributions.


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