
I have generated a couple bits of g2 code to cut a 90 degree arc corner

>From 180 to 90, with a .51000 diameter, arcbuddy spits out:

G2 X0.0000 Y0.2550 I0.2550 J-0.0000

And from 90 to 0, same diameter it outputs:

G2 X0.2550 Y0.0000 I-0.0000 J-0.2550

No tool comp is in use

Tooldia and toolrad are defined as .255  and .255 /2 elsewhere

x_tmp and y_tmp are defined and diddled elsewhere in the code.

So, where do I plug these vars into the arcbuddy output you see above to 
make it usable anyplace the table can reach just by adjusting the x_tmp 
and y_tmp
But, I need this to be usable at anyplace along the x axis, with 2 
different y locations depending on whether the last move was X or the last 
move was Y, all of which also contains what is supposed to be tool 
diameter offsets in the I & J stuff.

>From the above its obvious I can sub the Ioffset for I#<_tdia> in the 
first example above and J-#<_tdia> in the second to make it self 
compensating if I change the tools diameter, which will be used to control 
the fit of the joints produced.  But even that is not working.

So, how does one go about plugging in his "offset" values in a G2 
statement above and make it work?

I ought to be about ready for dinner, but Dee doesn't feel like going out 
even if it is our 25th anniversary today.  COPD never gets better.  

So I am working on this instead.

Thanks & Cheers, Gene Heskett
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