On 01/09/2015 08:54 AM, John Thornton wrote:
> I tried to print to a network printer from sneezy and never got that to
> work. Something about tried 3 times and gave up... odd that it could not
> "see" the network printer either when I tried to configure it.
> JT

Printer daemon needs to listen on port 631 and firewall has to allow 
connections on that port.

ss -lnt
command returns the following line when cups is listening:

LISTEN     0   128           *:631                       *:*

see more bellow

> On 1/9/2015 9:41 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> Greetings;
>> I've been screwing around, trying to make my printers work, and while I
>> can wake them up, no paper comes out.
>> The cups error_log:
>> HL3170CDW: error while loading shared libraries: libpoppler.so.5: cannot
>> open shared object file: No such file or directory
>> Seems to be the show stopper.
>> I've no clue where to get this dependency because the previous ubu
>> install did not use it. Googling around, it isn't the latest version
>> either.
>> That error above was generated AFTER I had downloaded the most recent
>> debs for that printer from support.brother.com, installed them with dpkg,
>> and reconfigured it in a root session of firefox, restarted cups, and
>> attempted to print the cups test page.
>> So, since there does not appear to be a libpopplar.so.5 existing on
>> either the wheezy drive, nor in the old ubu 10.04.4 LTS drive, where can
>> I get it?
>> Thanks guys.
>> Cheers, Gene Heskett

Gene, have you tried apt-get search libpopplar? It returns a number of 
related package names on Kubuntu 14.04:
libpoppler-cpp-dev - PDF rendering library -- development files (CPP 
libpoppler-cpp0 - PDF rendering library (CPP shared library)
libpoppler-dev - PDF rendering library -- development files
among them. However, I have none of that installed on my system with 
working CUPS. I doubt you need it.

apt-get search cups
returns a number of packages, some of which might be needed in addition 
to what you already have to get your printer going.

Have you tried CUPS setup with web browser http://localhost:631 to 
manage the printer?

Try to use simple postscript driver if your printer model is not listed. 
Worked for me many times.


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