I have most of the electrical worked out for my Anilam Crusader M retro to
a mesa 5i25/7i77.  I haven't torn apart anything, but close.

I'm hung up on the control voltage from the Crusader M to the Westamp Servo
Amps.  I've always encountered servo control voltage at a +-10Vdc signal
(which the 7i77 outputs).

However, in looking at the manual, the westamp can take a signal voltage
 from +-10 to +-50 volts.

What is throwing me off is the +-15Vdc used for the Bias.  I understand the
bias is not the input nor the control voltage, but it is confusing me
none-the-less.  I just don't see servo amps today using an external Bias,
especially +-15vdc and the 15Vdc power supply in the cabinet is larger than
the 24Vdc power supply (maybe linear or something).  Why is it used and why
is the power supply so large?  The manual says you can pull off 50mA from
the drive at 15vdc??

I'm wondering if someone else who has done this knows what the control
voltage is?  This affects if I need to mess w/ the signal gain, which I
would rather leave alone because messing with it is a can of worms.  If the
crusader outputs +-15vdc and the mesa +-10vdc, adjusting the signal gain
should give me better performance.  But, I'd rather not touch it!

Also, the best way I can see to check this is look up what the max rpm is
for the motor and see if I can reach that at 10vdc.  If I'm 2/3 off, apply
15vdc and see if I hit the spec?


Westamp Documentation
https://sites.google.com/site/bmklawt/home/westamp-documentation  (This
site has good docs from a Pico to westamp servo).
http://ormec.com/Support/SupportLibrary/LegacyDocuments.aspx (saw this from
PCW on the forum).
I didn't see anything mentioned on the sector67 write up regarding their
Anilam conversion for the control voltage (although doesn't mean I missed


PS Seb - I still owe the manual write up for the gs2, haven't forgotten!
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