On 4/12/2015 5:15 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> If you have a "position.txt" file set in the ini, nuke it and the file it
> generates, and it will then default to 0,0,0 regardless of where it is
> physically at, at powerup.  This is as opposed to having it at 25,25,25
> when it was exited.  With the file specified, it will init itself ack to
> where that file tells it it was at shutdown time.  Even if the machine
> has been moved to the other end of its travel while powered down.  This
> ambiguity is precisely why you cannot home it once a month.
Where should this file be ...  I don't have this.  I do have a 
linuxcnc.var (and .bak) and noticed it was changing this file.  In the 
list of numbers/values, 5338 was set to a value that the machine would 
force itself to whenever Z was homed.  So if it said 123, when I homed Z 
it would tell the system that it's currently at 123.  Odd, but I set it 
to zero and it behaves normally now (whatever that is).

> Then the only consistent knowledge of where it is, will only be known
> After its been homed.
Oh, I'd never do that.  The intention is to home it every time LinuxCNC 
starts up.

> There are times when I prefer one behavior, and times when I prefer the
> other.  The problem with the position.txt file is that the machine may
> have been moved by hand when LCNC isn't running, so you can't swear on
> any version of the bible that its memory (from the position.txt file),
> is valid.  With stepper motors in the mix, its a guaranteed error of up
> to 4 counts if microstepping by /8, a very common setting used with
> steppers.
What's this about?  Are you suggesting that with 8-microsteps, it would 
lose up to 4 counts every powerup?  (Which I can understand) or that 
there's some issue with using 8-microsteps (which I'm currently using)?


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