I need a DOS COM port logger that will write to the log file as it 
monitors and that can handle being cut off by a shut down or reboot.
Need to be able to run it with command line switches to tell it which 
port to log to a file then have no further interaction with the logger.

In other words it must stream to disk in a manner that a sudden, 
unexpected stop doesn't corrupt the log or leave it empty.

Why? Because the old DOS software for the PLM2000 will not exit or quit. 
It just ignores the command. The only ways to quit are hold the power 
button until it shuts off or CtrlAltDel. (Gotta love it when companies 
just discontinue a product with a major bug like that left unfixed.)

Just got done trying a program called comshow. It created a log file 
with no contents. I presume because I could not exit the CNC software to 
re-run comshow to tell it to dump its log to disk.

I setup a 256 meg USB stick to boot a laptop to Win98 DOS to try this. 
I've also setup an old 433Mhz Celeron box with Win95 to try running the 
CNC program under Windows. Can run a COM logger there and just kill the 
CNC without also hacking off the logger.

Just need to get the mill moved to a more permanent location so I can 
put the PC next to it.

All this just so hopefully it can be figured out how to control this old 
milling machine with LCNC.

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