I figured out that the messages at the top were what was causing the 
fault, got rid of those and kabamm!!! It works, spindle off, pin out, Z 
goes full positive, then the tool change.

On 5/14/2015 3:04 PM, r...@superiorroll.com wrote:
> I keep getting this error when I try my remapped code,
> emc/task/emctask.cc <http://emctask.cc> 389: interp_error: bad number 
> format (conversion failed) parsing ''
> bad number format (conversion failed) parsing ''
> 11 bad number format (conversion failed) parsing ''
> I am trying to minimally remap the M6, here is my revised remap code,
> O<vmc_change> sub
> # (Modified  Tool-Change for Cincinnati Milacron 10VC Machining Center)
> # (Turn off spindle)
> # (Extend Orient Pin)
> # (Send Z axis to Tool Change Position 25.000")
> # (Perform Tool Change)
> # (Retract Orient Pin)
> /M5
> /M130
> /G53 G00 Z25
> /M6
> /M131
> O<vmc_change> endsub
> m2
> Here is what my INI looks like,
> SUBROUTINE_PATH = /home/testpc/linuxcnc/nc_files
> USER_M_PATH = /home/testpc/linuxcnc/M_codes
> REMAP=M6  modalgroup=6 ngc=vmc_change
> The M130 and M131 are as follows, and are separate files,
> M130
> #!/bin/sh
> #orient pin out
> halcmd sets orient-pin-in false
> exit 0
> M131
> #!/bin/sh
> #orient pin in
> halcmd sets orient-pin-in true
> exit 0
> Is this error due to my remapped code, or is something else going wrong?
> Thanks
> Rick



Rick Lair
Superior Roll & Turning LLC
399 East Center Street
Petersburg MI, 49270
PH: 734-279-1831
FAX: 734-279-1166

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