I think I've solved the state change conundrum I asked about last week -

While watching the debug messages (using 0x000011c0 debug setting), a 
deactivation event occurred, causing a 'emcTaskPlanClose' event, but 
nothing that indicated the precipitant event. I backed the machine to a 
previous program point and restarted - bad move; I had picked  the wrong 
restart point and had to e-stop the machine. However, the e-stop 
generated the same plan close event report - Hmmmm

As I originally reported, there is no HAL pin associated with the 
machine's active/inactive state - but there is for e-stop (e-stop chain 
activates a relay, one pole of which goes to emc-enable-in). The relay 
is a recycled dry contact unit, so there is a potential for noisy 
connections. After adding a debounce function to the e-stop signal, no 
further instances of the state change phenomenon have been observed, so 
it looks like that demon has been exorcised.

However, this does raise a question about LCNC's e-stop behavior: at 
initial startup, we have to manually exit e-stop state via the user 
panel, but thereafter e-stop state tracks the HAL pin, so a noise spike 
on e-stop can bump the machine to inactive state and leave no trace 
(unless there is a debug setting I missed). At the least, such 
asymmetrical behavior can lead to confusion (see current writer). Given 
that e-stop is a cataclysmic event, I would think it more appropriate 
for an e-stop event to latch the machine's state and require a manual 
reset, as at system startup.

Is there a specific rationale for the way e-stop is currently handled?

Thanks to all who offered suggestions


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