Very neat - thank you for posting the code and the video.

On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 7:52 PM, Tom Easterday <> wrote:

> Here is a video of our G33 knurling routine running.  Pretty cool.  I’m
> sure we aren’t the first to do this, but since I haven’t seen it before I
> will pretend like it :-)  BTW, this knurl is only about 5 thou deep, deeper
> ones will follow.
> Here is the code:
> G8
> G53 G0 X0
> G53 G0 Z0
> M6 T3 G43
> #<workpieceDia> = 0.700
> #<workpieceRad> = [#<workpieceDia>/2]
> #<safeXOffset> = 0.025
> #<safeX> = [#<workpieceRad> + #<safeXOffset>]
> #<knurlStartZ> = 0.000
> #<knurlLen> = 0.25
> #<knurlLeadIn> = 0.010
> #<knurlDepth> = 0.002
> #<knurlPerDia> = 28
> #<knurlAngle> = 30
> #<knurlEndZ> = [#<knurlStartZ> - #<knurlLen>]
> #<rpm> = 100
> #<pi> = 3.142
> ; The surface is the circumference of the workpiece
> #<workSurface> = [#<pi> * #<workpieceDia>]
> ; Given a knurl angle, calculate Z feed given <workSurface>
> #<feedPerRev> = [TAN[#<knurlAngle>] * #<workSurface>]
> #<feedPerMin> = [#<feedPerRev> * #<rpm>]
> (debug, feed per revolution: #<feedPerRev>; per min: #<feedPerMin>)
> ; thread _width_ is equal to distance traveled in one rev, i.e.
> <feedPerRev>
> #<threadWidth> = #<feedPerRev>
> ; Thus, TPI will be 1/<threadWidth>
> #<tpi> = [1/#<threadWidth>]
> ; To do a n-start thread, we need to start each thread
> ; <threadWidth>/n further back (Z+) than the prior thread
> #<nStartZOffset> = [#<threadWidth>/#<knurlPerDia>]
> M3 S#<rpm>
> #100 = #<knurlPerDia>
> #110 = [[#<knurlPerDia> * #<nStartZOffset>] + #<knurlStartZ> +
> #<knurlLeadIn>]
> (debug, knurl lead in: #110)
> G0 Z#110
> G0 X[#<workpieceRad> - #<knurlDepth>]
> O100 WHILE [#100 GT 0]
>    (debug, start Z: #110; feed: #<feedPerRev>)
>    (calculate the lead in for the knurl AFTER this one)
>    #105 = #110
>    #110 = [#110 - #<nStartZOffset>]
>    ;G33 Z#110 K#<feedPerRev>
>    ;G1 Z#<knurlEndZ> F#<feedPerMin>
>    ;G1 Z#105 F#<feedPerMin>
>    G33 Z#<knurlEndZ> K#<feedPerRev>
>    G33 Z#105 K#<feedPerRev>
>    ;G0 X#<safeX>
>    G0 Z#110
>    ;G0 X[#<workpieceRad> - #<knurlDepth>]
>    #100 = [#100 - 1]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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