My question is about what happens to the "leftovers" when the 
precision of the g code commanded position cannot be met by the 
hardware executing it.
Several years ago I wrote a program to "generate" involute gear teeth 
by making multiple cuts of the same tooth from differing angles with 
a rack shaped cutter. This eliminates the need for the different 
cutters when making only one cut per tooth.  I have used it many 
times to cut relatively large gears with a relatively small number of 
teeth with virtually no noticeable error.

A few days ago a friend who repairs watches wanted to know if I could 
figure out what gear (wheel to you watch guys) size, pitch or module 
and number of teeth would be required to replace a missing one. (the 
original was long gone).  I had no problem working from the center 
distance and the matching pinion coming up with the appropriate design.

However, when I cut the gear I had the right number of teeth but the 
last tooth  was much too wide.

It would appear that I had lost a bunch of steps on the rotary 
axis.  Further investigation reveals what I think is the root cause 
but I would like someone with more knowledge than me to confirm or 
disprove my analysis.

The gear had 86 teeth (in the power train, not in the timing train) 
and I made 9 cuts per tooth.  That is 774 commands and about all but 
86 of them in the same direction.

My rotary axis is a 200 step stepper into a 30 to 1 worm drive 
microstepped by 10  so 1.8 degrees divided by 300 equals .006 degrees 
per microstep or 166.6667 steps per degree.

Unfortunately when the g code calls for a 1 degree move the motion 
planner can only issue 166 steps since it can't issue .6667 
steps.  That means that the actual movement of the A axis is only 
166/166.66667 or .996 degree. That is .004 degree lost as far as I 
can tell.  That might be close enough for one or even several 
commands but after 688 comands in the same direction that constitutes 
688 x .004 or 2.7 degrees lost.

That is a significant portion of a tooth on a high tooth number 
wheel.  Depending on the actual value of the command the actual lost 
motion could be anything from nothing to essentially a whole step or 
.0059999 degrees.

I think that I can lessen the impact of the lost portion of the steps 
by using the MOD operator to determine how much is left over after 
dividing the commanded move by .006.  Then use IF ELSE,  IF the 
remainder is Greater Than .5 steps then  ADD a full step (command = 
command PLUS .006 degrees) ELSE issue the commanded number (do nothing).

This should statistically reduce the error by rounding up or down and 
redistribute it randomly among all the cuts although it will not 
eliminate it. The greater the number of cuts the better the 
approximation will be.

Sorry for the long post but I couldn't condense it much and get the 
idea across.  Can anyone confirm or disprove my observation or come 
up with a better solution?  Obviously I could add another reduction 
stage to my rotary axis but I would like to avoid that if possible.


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