On 02/16/2016 07:53 AM, Nicklas Karlsson wrote:
> I heard rumors here a while ago about micro meter accuracy switch but
> I guess it might be a little bit expensive.

Well, yes. The "real" switches which are /specified/ with repeatability
values of about 0.005mm are in the order of $200...$300 per unit from
what I found. The ones specified at 0.001mm are about an order of
magnitude more expensive. Even specified 0.010mm repeatability switches
are in the $100 class range.

This is a cheapo - not-too-good, not-too-bad - used router (bought for
$1500). Using expensive homing switches is like upgrading your bicycle
to run a formula 1 race ;-)

It looks like micro-switches will do just fine if the speed is
controlled. Maybe it would be a good idea to have a two-stage trip, as
mentioned. Proximity to home and then a home switch. Then you can
control the mechanics a bit better.

On 02/16/2016 03:00 AM, John Alexander Stewart wrote:
> I did some tests, plotted the results, etc, at:
> http://cnc-for-model-engineers.blogspot.ca/2015/06/home-switch-repeatability.html

Those numbers are not /that/ good if you think about it. At least not in
comparison to /significantly better than 0.001"/, what others report.

I had seen you graph while searching the net, but asked the question
here anyway because you already said that there might be some problems
with the measurement.

> I think my major issue was the mounting for my dial indicator, and
> if you do read the article, I did some tests with my new mill, and 
> results are the same or better. I was *totally* surprised at how well
> they worked.

Your graph does seem to indicate some kind of bias. However, it is hard
to tell whether it is a mechanical feature or your measurement setup (as
you mention).

However, when we get into these kinds of distances, simple temperature
and moisture changes are a factor too. Especially with (mechanical)
electronics involved.

It seems that the micro-switches are well suited for the purpose, but I
guess some hard (unbiased) data has yet to be gathered (outside of a mill).

Greetings Bertho

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