Wait, aren't these ALREADY connected at:

> > net spindle-on wj200-vfd.0.run
> > net spindle-cw wj200-vfd.0.reverse
> > net spindle-at-speed wj200-vfd.0.is-at-speed

Does "net spindle-on motion.spindle-on" do something additional, or just try to 
connect "spindle-on" to an unstated "motion" component?


---- Philipp Burch <p...@hb9etc.ch> wrote: 
> Hi Danny!
> On 29.02.2016 08:15, Danny Miller wrote:
> > [...]
> > 
> > loadusr -W wj200_vfd baud 19200
> > #default slave address is 1
> > setp wj200-vfd.0.mbslaveaddr 1
> > setp wj200-vfd.0.commanded-frequency 60
> > # connect to wj200-vfd pins
> > net spindle-on wj200-vfd.0.run
> > net spindle-cw wj200-vfd.0.reverse
> > net spindle-at-speed wj200-vfd.0.is-at-speed
> > 
> Maybe it's a stupid question, but: Have you also connected the nets
> spindle-on, spindle-cw and spindle-at-speed to the motion component?
> I.e. something like
> net spindle-on motion.spindle-on
> net spindle-cw motion.spindle-forward
> net spindle-at-speed motion.spindle-at-speed
> See: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.7/html/man/man9/motion.9.html
> Then, wj200-vfd.0.commanded-frequency is actually a pin, which you
> can/should set dynamically as well:
> net spindle-rps motion.spindle-speed-out-rps-abs
> net spindle-rps wj200-vfd.0.commanded-frequency
> Good luck!
> Bye,
> Philipp

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