I realized at least part of the [XHC_HB04_CONFIG] section just isn't 
having an effect.  I can't figure out why.
I noticed before that "sequence =2" (before it was commented out) had no 
effect at all.  I saw I could specify "-s 3" on the loadusr line so it 
didn't matter.

I did end up with the handwheel going CW, which increases X and Y, 
actually decreases Z.  That's not right.  I figure that "scales" can fix 
that by making the third number -1.  That should work, right?

It's not having any effect. And unlike sequence, there's no loadusr line 
option for scale.

Any idea why this isn't having any effect?


threadname = servo-thread
#(optional, default: servo-thread)
layout     = 2
# (optional, 1: 16 buttons | 2: 18 buttons, default: 2)
coords     = x y z
#    (optional, 4 max, default: x y z a)
coefs      = 1 1 1 1
# (optional, filter coefs 0 < coef < 1, default: 1 1 1 1)
#mpg_accels = 1 2 2 200
mpg_accels = 1 2 100
# (optional: reduced accelerations for all manual mode jogging)
   #                        (in machine_units/sec/sec like 
    #                       (this option requires: [APPLICATIONS]APP = 
scales     = 1 1 1
#      (optional, plus/minus factors, default: 1 1 1 1)
require_pendant = no
#    (optional, yes | no, default: yes)
inch_or_mm = in
#          (optional, in | mm for display icon, default: mm)
jogmode    = normal
#      (optional, normal | vnormal | plus-minus, default: normal)
#          (optional, 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5, default: 1)
#                           1: 0.001,0.010,0.100,1.000 (typ for mm machine)
#                           2: 0.001,0.005,0.010,0.020 (typ for inch 
#                           3: 0.001,0.010,0.100
#                           4: 0.001,0.005,0.010,0.020,0.050,0.100
#                           5: 0.001,0.010,0.050,0.100,1.000

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