On Wed, Jun 8, 2016, at 12:11 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:

> Maybe, maybe not. Shrillaries victory speech last night came straight out 
> of Bernies socialist bible, and that scares the crap out of me, lots 
> more than the Donalds blowhard bluster. 

Guys, please.  We have a fair amount of off-topic stuff on this list,
and for the most part that's OK.  But PLEASE, let's leave the 
politics out of it.

Trump fans aren't going to convert Clinton fans, Clinton fans
aren't going to convert Trump fans.  But everyone will have 
to hear the discussions and the arguments and the name-
calling.  We're going to have enough (far too much) of that
elsewhere for the next several months, lets not have it here.

I'm not trying to single Gene out here.  Once these things start
they inevitably go downhill, and this one started several messages

Let's just not start. 

  John Kasunich
emc-users list admin

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