There are multiple parameters:

1.  You can declare the homing switch to be a coordinate other than 0.  
e.g. "after we settle on the switch, this axis is offset so this is now 
+1.25 inches"

2.  You can set axis limits at anything.  I probably would never set a 
negative coord as a limit but maybe that's just me.

3.  You can send the axis anywhere after homing.   e.g. "settle on the 
homing switch, call that +1.25", then move to 0.5" and leave it there."


On 10/25/2016 7:07 PM, Mark Johnsen wrote:
> Just guessing, but you might have software limits set to 0.  That'd be a
> configuration issue, I'd guess the .ini file or the main *.hal file would
> have those in it.
> You should be able to travel past the home switch.  On a side note, I have
> no home switches and will 'manually' home in Axis by clicking the home
> button, but I'm not sure it does any good and in my config, I ahve it setup
> w/ no homes as well as only 1 limit switch for each ends of an axis.  I do
> have software limits set and they're set w/ the idea that I'll home
> somewhere near the middle of my axes.  (except for z).  Anyway, look at
> that.
> Mark
> On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 4:04 PM, hubert <> wrote:
>> Is there any way to move past home position.
>> Each of my Axis, X, Y, and Z use three sensors to provide inputs for min
>> and max limits and Homing.  We have the Home switch set about 1 inch
>> inside the max limit switch.  However, We need to raise the Z axis above
>> the home switch but inside the limit switch for the head to clear the
>> tool changer.   Also for some parts we need to make use of more of the
>> table than the Home switch allows.  Is this a miss-configuration problem
>> or a deficiency? When we try to move past the home switch the machine
>> refuses to move.
>> Hubert
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