On Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 8:35 AM, Nicklas Karlsson <
nicklas.karlsso...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > On 2016-10-26 08:39, Chris Albertson wrote:
> > > Yes they are that fast in some micro controllers.  But on the "Pi"
> they do
> > > about 500K.
> > Where did you get this value.
> > In my case it runs at 16 MHz fullduplex.
> 16Mbit full duplex is common for cheap small micro controllers.

I don't understand.  Are you running SPI on a Raspberry Pi or some other
kind of microprocessor.     If it is a pi, can yu explain the software you
are using.  I would liv=ke to also get 16 MHz.

Yes multiple SPIs work  but more conventional is to use one chip select or
"enable" line for each device.  That way just one more pin is used for each
device and the SPI is multiplexed.   But your plan allows simultainius data
transfer on several SPIs.    Depends on what you need.

I would like to know the details if this 16 MHz is on a Pi.


Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California
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