On Monday 28 November 2016 11:04:10 Mark wrote:

> On 11/28/2016 10:19 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> >>> work, but the message on the raspi's screen is that it cannot open
> >>> for use.
> >>
> >> Which machine is that one?
> >
> > That is the odroid64. Thomas on the xorg list said I should put a
> > -listen tcp in the X launching line of xinit/xserverrc, so I have,
> > and rebooted it, but since I am not logged in locally after the
> > reboot, X hasn't been started, so nmap still can't see an open port
> > in the 6000+ range. Thats next, after I build some coffee & cover
> > some more skin. :)
> The X daemon should start at boot, not when you log in.  It needs to
> be listening at the port before you log in to be able to start the
> window manager if you are logging in locally.

So X is running when the login panel is on-screen?
> >> I'm confused.  What rc.local script gives you full sudo rights?
> >
> > AIUI rc.local runs before the login,

at least it did on the odroid64.

> > so effectively has root rights 
> > and can easily brick the install. But that nobody logged in state is
> > the only time one can play with passwd's, groups and who owns what.
> > But despite composing the script on the raspi exactly the same as
> > worked on the droid, it refuses to execute with the usual ". /fixme"
> > syntax in rc.local. Something about a compatibility issue is logged
> > to the screen and is covered nearly as soon as I log in. With no
> > mouse support, I can't scroll back to copy/paste it someplace less
> > volatile.
> rc.local scripts are boot scripts, not login scripts.

I know that. They run, if they'll run, before the login screen is 

> You're probably 
> thinking of the .bashrc and .profile files in your home directory, and
> the rc files like bash.bashrc and csh.cshrc files located in the /etc
> directory.

None of the /home/user/* are available to the system until you are logged 
in, and then you cannot play with those files in wholesale renaming 

Here is that script as it sits on the r-pi:
usermod -l $NEW_NAME $OLD_NAME
groupmod -n $NEW_NAME $OLD_NAME
mv /home/$OLD_NAME /home/NEW_NAME
usermod -d /home/$NEW_NAME $NEW_NAME
chown -R $NEW_NAME:$NEW_NAME /home/$NEW_NAME 
and that line in rc.local
. /fixme

When it ran on the droid, it left $me with a /home/gene directory as copy 
of skel, but that was no loss as I hadn't stored anything un-recoverable 
there and I am now user 1000 on the droid.

After it refused to run I mv'd it so it wouldn't try again until I was 
sure it would run. But I have no clue why it didn't.
> >> That
> >> should be the /etc/sudoers file.
> >
> > That, and adding me to the various group's, specifically to any
> > group that has pi as an alias. So I appear to be set for everything
> > but synaptic, pam absolutely insists on a root password, which has
> > not been shared. Neither gksu, nor gksudo can execute synaptic
> > because pam gets into the ring and flat insists on the root
> > password, not mine.
> >
> >> Things break when programs can't
> >> find their initialization info where it's expected.
> >
> > Or they don't break, just report the error and go right ahead and do
> > it. Example from the pi: (with added line breaks and spacing to make
> > it readable)
> >
> > gene@raspberrypi:/etc $ sudo grep -R raspberrypi *
> > sudo: unable to resolve host raspberrypi
> >
> > apt/sources.list.d/raspi.list:deb
> > http://archive.raspberrypi.org/debian/ jessie main ui
> >
> > apt/sources.list.d/raspi.list:#deb-src
> > http://archive.raspberrypi.org/debian/ jessie main ui
> > exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf:dc_other_hostnames='raspberrypi'
> >
> > hostname:raspberrypi
> >
> > hosts:  raspberrypi.coyote.den  raspi
> >
> > mailname:raspberrypi
> >
> > ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key.pub:ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 (key removed)
> > root@raspberrypi
> >
> > ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub:ssh-rsa (key removed) root@raspberrypi
> >
> > ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key.pub:ssh-dss (key removed) root@raspberrypi
> >
> > ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key.pub:ssh-ed25519 (key removed)
> > root@raspberrypi
> >
> > wicd/wired-settings.conf:dhcphostname = raspberrypi
> > -----------------------------------------------------
> > So why can't sudo resolve its own hostname?  Weird.
> >
> > logging out and back in as pi@raspi:
> >
> > paste from screen
> > -----------------------------------------------------------
> > gene@coyote:~$ ssh -Y pi@raspi
> > pi@raspi's password:
> >
> > The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free
> > software; the exact distribution terms for each program are
> > described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
> >
> > Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
> > permitted by applicable law.
> > Last login: Sun Nov 27 12:37:34 2016
> > pi@raspberrypi:~ $ synaptic-pkexec
> > ==== AUTHENTICATING FOR com.ubuntu.pkexec.synaptic ===
> > Authentication is required to run the Synaptic Package Manager
> > Authenticating as: root
> > Password:
> >
> > note its asking for roots pw. So we the users, regardless of our
> > status in the group and sudoers files, are locked out of using the
> > only gui package manager worth its space in the storage media. I
> > would not touch aptitude again with a 20 foot fiberglass pole. It
> > has totally destroyed at least 4 systems now including this one
> > twice, so its never going to get another chance.
> >
> > Thanks Mark, I need to get to it, check on Dee, make coffee etc.
> Your hosts file is missing some important entries.
>    localhost

It is there, top line. I wanted that separated so there was NO confusion. 
All thru my systems, is only localhost.
> and your FQDN line doesn't list raspberrypi as an alias.  Resolving
> raspberrypi to an IP address comes from reading the hosts file, not
> the hostname.

Added the 2nd alias, error gone, thanks. I was not aware one could spec 
more than one alias in the hosts file! Only been an exclusive linux 
house here since late 1998. :(

> In all the years I admin'ed Linux systems at work and at home, I've
> used either the Synaptic package manager GUI or the command line
> apt-get and other associated utilities.  Never had the problems you
> mentioned. Using the command line utilities however, does require
> their careful usage.  But so does just about any command line utility
> that has the permissions to make changes to the OS and other loaded
> software.  You have to be aware of what the software you are
> installing, updating or upgrading is actually doing.

apt-get has apparently been superceded by apt, although apt-get still 
works. Both the droid and the r-pi can use just apt.

After 18 years of linux, I'd like to think I do.

I think I'll see if a ">/logfile_name 2>&1" appended to that line in 
rc.local will get me a non-volatile error log of the attempt to run that 
fixme script.

Cheers Mark, Gene Heskett
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