
Trying to port some of the spindle control code to the R-Pi, and it just 
occurred to me that it would be much easier to organize the code into 
sections that each controlled one just "device" so that all the code 
having to  do with spindle control was in a well marked per each devices 
section. This means all that devices loadrt's, addf's and the logic that 
goes with controlling the spindle was in one section, that which 
controlled the X motor in its own chapter, ditto Z motor in another 
chapter, home switches and limit switches in their own "chapter", and a 
motion chapter, a gui chapter to load, configure and display a tach. And 
a chapter to make the various interconnections needed where a signal 
crosses the borders.

I've scanned thru the Documentation but have not found that magic phrase 
that enables the 500 watt lamp of understanding.  Is there even an 
explanation in the docs?


FWIW Peter, I stuck my Hitachi 100 megahertz dual trace on 2 or 3 of 
those SPI lines, at the 7i90 plug, this after adding 3 more ground 
jumpers this evening, and which made zero difference and despite the 
probes being 200 mhz probes, those lines are ringing like the liberty 
bell, complete with its cracks. Running at a nominally 30 megabaud baud 
data rate, ( pushing that scope, but its handier to use than the 
sampler! ) it was also seen to be a not terribly stable bit rate, 
estimated 10% time wobble at the end of the first byte sent, at the 
start of a packet, a word or so after the start of a packet, and using B 
delayed from A mode, with 5u-sec A at 5ns/cm B time on screen, there's 
bunches of rail to rail spikes about 5ns wide that can be seen easily 
just as the packet starts.
These are within the initiating start bit's /not time.

Maybe the 26 pin IDC connectors will get here from digi-key tomorrow and 
I can then make a good jumper, with 82 ohm series terminations.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
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