On 02/25/2017 09:22 AM, Erik Christiansen wrote:
> Once I've built familiarity with a chip family's peripherals, and a
> debugged library of routines to use them, then it is just dufus to rock
> up with "My cpu core is sexier than yours." They all execute code
> reliably, so the core is quite irrelevant. Yep, some cores are faster
> than others, but how flaming fast do you need to detect sunrise and
> sunset, and measure battery voltage?

IMO, this is the correct response to the "which core" question. You
could add factors as cost too.

The developer's familiarity with any particular device is often a big
factor because it takes many hours of hard work to learn a chip's
internals (AVR's mega328p datasheet is 600+ pages, many ARMs have 1200+
pages for the peripherals alone).

The biggest problem I encounter is /choosing/ one particular chip for a
job. There are so many, each with specifically tailored peripherals and
limiting combinations to use them. You normally try to balance between
time to invest to find the "best fit" versus the "this will just work",
where all factors are considered, also time to invest and (relative)
ease of use.

Taking a different perspective; The fact is that all of these chips are
on the market. Many new 8, 16 and 32 bit cores are today designed and
brought to the market. If the manufacturer could not see any profit in
them, I'd guess they would not do so. This is really a case of "you use
the tools that fit the job", which should be a familiar concept among
the milling and otherwise cutting people on this list. This sometimes
means hammering with a screwdriver ;-)

> The AVR has GCC support, and PIC is a loser there.
> (Would have to fire up SDCC, though, as GCC never stooped to the 8051.)

I've been using SDCC for PICs quite a lot (cost of a PIC is often less
than AVR). The compiler will do most of the things you want if you learn
the quirks.

Greetings Bertho

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